Explore the World of Taiko with Us!
When you join our Great Lakes Taiko Center community, you are also joining a whole world of taiko players and enthusiasts.
It’s the first weekend of February 2021 here in Michigan and we just cancelled this Saturday’s outdoor “Gomidaiko in the Park” class because of cold temperatures from the arctic blast! While we’re safe and warm at home, there is lots of taiko to explore…
Click on the button or view the highlights below for some recommended online resources, classes, and performances that you can check out from home.
Taiko at home in Michigan
NEW to taiko drumming? Join our online class offered in February and March on Saturdays 11:00-11:45am: Taiko Intro Class w/Larry & Eileen. Have fun learning basic rhythms and movements of taiko drumming as you play with us at home — no experience or special equipment required. This is a Family Friendly class that Youth members <13 years old can register for (along with an Adult member).
Taiko students of all levels can explore a variety of taiko songs and topics through our online & outdoor classes, and access online resources at kaDON.com, when you join as a Great Lakes Taiko Center member! www.michigantaiko.net/class-listing
learn & play in san jose
Join Rome & Kristin from the South Bay Beat Institute (CA) offering various taiko & flute (yokobue) online classes in a fun taiko community atmosphere. Players from around the US as well as Europe come to play in the Community Taiko class which meets on Saturdays at 2:00-2:45pm ET.
Concert with NYC & worldwide artists
GLTC members can get discounted tickets for this kaDON LIVE concert series (6pm ET on SAT 2/6, 3/6, 4/3, 5/1) at https://kadon.com/kadon-live-concert-series-oto-ga-tatsu-the-sound-lives-a-4-part-concert-series-with-kaoru-watanabe-and-guests/